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Welcome to Olympus

The virtual world of Olympus officially launched in June of 2060. Emergent virtual reality technology utilizes an advanced brain interfacing system that allows the user to feel, hear, taste, smell, and see in a world unlike anything ever seen before.

To enter this simulated reality, users must first be in a sitting position. They must then attach the pair of Experiencer Disks to their temples. After a short countdown, the user will then be put in a dream-like state where they will then find their consciousness within Olympus. 

Upon first arriving at Olympus, users will be prompted to either create an avatar from scratch or use their appearance in the real world. Individuals will find themselves initially placed in country-sized zones based on their initial location before entering Olympus. Users may choose to fast-travel between zones at the cost of obols.


Within each of these zones, there consists of even more districts. A shopping district, sports district, cuisine district, gaming district, shooting district, red-light district, are just to name a few. Anything that one could fathom doing in the real world exists in some way or form within Olympus.


Fashion. Fame. Friendship. Love. Fun. Thrills. Happiness. Excitement. Anticipation. Although not all of these can be found in the current state of the real world, perhaps with the right amount of obols in one’s balance, they can achieve anything their heart desires. 


Edited by Ahrani, and Anastasia

The Catastrophe

January 1, 2051. 

A new year. A new solution for the Cacophony Virus that has left humanity bereft of hope. People all around the world start receiving the vaccine. It’s not until a couple million individuals have received the vaccine worldwide that something goes terribly wrong. A man who had received the vaccine died only a few days later. The vaccine had failed. As if a cruel joke from God, instead of developing a resistance towards the virus, those who received the vaccine started exhibiting symptoms of the virus and transmitted the virus even easier than before. With the number of cases skyrocketing, so did the death count and thus humanity was forced to stay within their homes for the unforeseeable future. 


Cacophony refers to a discordant and grim blend of sounds. This was the basis for the naming of the Cacophony Virus; the screaming is something no one ever forgets…

This deadly new strain of ebola virus emerged in 2049 and moulds the world introducing humanity to a terrifying new reality. Originating near Equatorial Guinea, this virus causes intense and often fatal internal hemorrhaging in its victims. The excruciating pain that ensues often caused the victim to scream uncontrollably. Hoping for the agony to end, the afflicted usually succumb to insanity or end their own lives.

“Stay away from the Screamers” - a common saying at the time. 

Transmissible through air and eventually water as well, the Cacophony Virus was responsible for a globalwide surge in facemask usage and the closure of numerous hydro plants and reservoirs. However, preventing the virus from spreading proved to be much more difficult than initially anticipated. After the virus makes contact with a human, it incubates and remains in a dormant state for approximately 30 days. During the 30 day period, zero symptoms are displayed by the infected. Once evidence of the virus is visible, it is often too late.

While researching for a cure, humanity stumbled upon a horrifying revelation. With every single step taken by scientists to overcome the virus, the virus took two steps forward to prevent its eradication. As it continued to evolve making previous vaccines useless, its contagiousness also skyrocketed which led to a rapidly increasing death count. Time was running out.

Year 2050   

By 2050, an unnamed company works alongside the WHO to develop a vaccine said to annihilate the virus for good. After an intense development and testing period, the new vaccine was deemed safe and prepared to be distributed to the public in 2051 at select health centres.

The Bike

Year 2060 

The virus had contaminated most of the large bodies of drinkable water around the world. Any lakes and rivers above ground were contaminated through contact and became unsanity cesspools. Now, the only forms of drinkable water originate from the ground. A stationary bike was installed in homes around the globe as a solution to this dilemma. These stationary bikes are directly connected to a pump that leads beneath the surface. By pedaling, users generate energy to power these pumps to extract uncontaminated water from the earth. Once purified afterwards, the water becomes drinkable. In order to generate enough water for a 5 minute shower, individuals must pedal approximately 50 kilometers or for 3 hours. 


As an added bonus, individuals may earn obols (up to 5) for every kilometer pedaled. This amount will be directly added to the user’s account and they may use this to purchase other necessities or make transactions within Olympus.

The Race for a Solution


Social gatherings and outdoor events have become memories of the past.



Governments all around the world prohibit individuals from leaving their homes following a one week warning. The Silk Road Tech Company constructs drone warehouses worldwide and starts deploying delivery drones to ensure completely contactless delivery of goods to households. 


It has been almost a decade of government enforced isolation. Although daily cases around the globe have plummeted drastically due to strict quarantine protocol, the lack of a cure for this constantly evolving virus shrouds the future in uncertainty. 


The WHO announces that research for a cure has been abandoned indefinitely to a global outcry.


After amassing trillions of dollars in delivery profits, the Silk Road Tech Company unveils the “Silk Road Quarantine Initiative” during their annual press conference. Before long, over a hundred countries sign on to this collaborative effort to secure humanity’s future. 

The Silk Road Quarantine Initiative

Phase 1 of the SRQI begins in March of 2060. People around the world who are willing to participate in this experimental quarantine initiative are told to call their local Silk Road hotline number. Although most people are still dark regarding this matter, they are left with little to no choice but to put their trust in this multi-trillion dollar tech conglomerate.


Phase 2 begins in May of 2060. All individuals who called and signed a contract start receiving a set of two deliveries over the course of a week, free of charge. The first delivery consists of a stationary bike kit delivered to the homeowner’s door and installed to various electrical outlets by capable robot technicians. The second drone delivery consists of various equipment required for the integration of the Olympus Virtual World (one set per person).


Phase 3 begins in June of 2060. The Silk Road Tech Company has become so successful that they have direct influence over certain governments. An executive for the Company addresses the world. During this conference, he launches the Virtual Reality world of Olympus and establishes a new infrastructure that ought to be sanctioned by governments.

  1. The implementation of experimental automated law enforcement units in various cities around the world

    1. Police and K-9 unit robots (courtesy of the Silk Road Tech Company) powered by state-of-the-art surveillance tech and a facial recognition algorithm

    2. Mechanized biohazard police squads to quarantine zones and eliminate threats

  2. Stricter regulations regarding quarantine enforced by automated law enforcement units:

    1. Leaving your home without a government provided permet is severely punished by law.

    2. Caught individuals are fined and then detained for an indefinite amount of time in special “treatment centres” where they face total isolation

  3. Mass production of 3D printed foods & food printers to be distributed by delivery drones

    1. 3D printed technology is sufficiently advanced to be able to replicate the taste of real food

    2. Thousands of different meal options from chocolate to hamburgers

  4. The implementation of a new virtual currency: obols.

    1. Obols are to be used in all transactions involving the Silk Road company

      1. This includes manufactured food and transactions in Olympus

    2. Different currency around the world can be converted to obols, 1 obol is approximately 1 USD

  5. The implementation of a zero-tolerance policy involving those that are infected. Even when wearing multiple layers of clothing and face coverings, the mobilized biohazard police robots can still detect infection. If found outside a quarantine zone, the biohazard enforcement robots are programmed to execute infected individuals on sight.

Our Social Media Blogs


It has come to the attention of The Silk Road Company that individuals within Olympus are spreading false rumors. 

If YOU bear witness to any individual spreading misinformation such as “The Silk Road Company is responsible for creating and releasing the virus in 2049” and “The Silk Road Company wants to be in a position of absolute authority all around the globe” we ask that you call the GET-HELP hotline on a card included with your Olympus kits. We ask that you provide us with information regarding the identities and whereabouts of those spreading these false rumors.


With your help, we can put an end to these rumors and punish those who seek to disrupt our way of living in this broken world. Thank you. 

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